Custom Cabochons



◼ TO ORDER: Select the cab size you are needing for your first image (EX: 12MM). On the "Quantity" drop-down menu, select the quantity you need (EX: 10PC). If you have more than one image, you will repeat the above steps for each image (EX: If you have 5 images and need 12MM/10PC of each, you will add the 12MM/10PC listing to your cart 5 times). You will upload your images to each listing. Checkout as normal. 

◼ Cabochons are sold by PIECE (NOT PAIR). Only ONE (1) image per listing. If the order is placed incorrectly, we will send an invoice for the remaining balance.

-DO NOT SEND WATERMARKED IMAGES! Designers deserve credit for their work, so if you are using their design, please do not steal it from them.
-We will print exactly what is sent. Make sure your desired image will fit well within a circle.
-Images are shrunk down to fit mm size, which may slightly distort some images. Remember this when choosing a photo with words, as the words may be hard to read on smaller cabs.
-Fine fonts/designs may not print well. Choose an image with bold fonts/designs.
-Light-colored print on a light-colored background may not print well (same for dark on dark).
-Choose an image that is high quality. Please do not send a picture of a picture or a screenshot from Google. Take the time to save the image to your phone/computer. We cannot guarantee the results of finished cabs if low-quality photos are provided.

◼ We will confirm receipt of images and/or reach out with any questions via message before sending to print.

◼ Please allow up to 10 business days for us to create your custom order.

◼ If you need to add to your order, simply place another order and use code ADDON at checkout. We will not refund shipping if code is not used.

◼ ***By purchasing you are acknowledging your familiarity with photo cabs. We are not responsible for damaged cabs due to negligence. DO NOT APPLY E6000 DIRECTLY TO CABS. Check out our Daydreamer Glue!